Smevin:Its called the kinect for X-Box 360
One day we might just have a whole room that becomes the game screen with holographs and we feel,smell,taste.Something that connected to our minds so we can just think the game not just hope some game developer has the same idea.
Like you want a fighter think it up next day you want shooter think it up ect.The disks can still be there so lazy people that dont want to think it up can play it but what im asking for is a room that can bring to life whatever videogame you think of
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
yea something like that but more on the lines of a white room that makes holographs and stuff.Think one of those rooms they hold crazy people in but with holograph,smellograph,and touchgraph technology (Pretty sure the last graph words are made up)
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
Originally Posted by Hotshot40 View Post
yea something like that but more on the lines of a white room that makes holographs and stuff.Think one of those rooms they hold crazy people in but with holograph,smellograph,and touchgraph technology (Pretty sure the last graph words are made up)

Yea, thats what I was getting at. Thers not much images of that in Google though XD
Originally Posted by ivolt View Post
I don't video games will ever reach a point where we can tell it's real or not. People are smarter than that.

But... we passed that point quite a while ago...

It has been possible, though taxing, to create CGI that can easily fool us for a while. Hell, people look at the cover of a magazine and think the picture of the model is real, when it is actually heavily CGI.
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Originally Posted by genshin View Post
Well some video games help us know more stuff and even teach us things like martial arts and self-defence like Toribash and other games(I think so)

God, I can't agree with that enough.I believe if video game designers incorporate more actually factual information with their games, as well as advanced technology, video games will benefit no only our experience (in the case of VR training for military personnel) but also our mental capacity. I mean, look at Elder Scrolls games. The entire series is based around actual medieval information. I'm now a class and a half ahead of my classmates in Medieval History class just because I played through Morrowind and Oblivion. Bethesda has mastered the art of combining real life information with playability. Now imagine that Elder Scrolls games were fully immersible, giving you the ability to carry physical muscle movements into real life. You would have higher endurance, strength, and overall fitness with no health risk to you. You could tailor the same idea to a countless number of games, opening possibilities beyond our wildest dreams. That is where I think video games should be headed and how they can affect our world for the better.
"I never learned the last half of the alphabet. I got frustrated that "m" and "n" were the exact same thing."