Sent: Vampire Blood to Phasmal.
Sent: Vampire relax to Phasmal.
Sent: Breast Texture to Phasmal.
Sent: Chest Texture to Phasmal.
Sent: Acid force to Phasmal.
Sent: Groin Texture to Phasmal.
Sent: Left Leg Texture Trail to Phasmal.
Sent: Left Hand Texture Trail to Phasmal.
Sent: Right Hand Texture Trail to Phasmal.
Sent: Set: Somethink to Phasmal.
those items are in set:somethink
Now i wait for full 128
edited: Almost forgot to send right leg texture trail, but i send it now
Last edited by Juha; Apr 14, 2011 at 12:57 PM.