Sent: Aqua Emote Color to Jire.
Sent: Aqua force to Jire.
Sent: Aqua Ghost to Jire.
Sent: Aqua Primary Gradient to Jire.
Sent: Aqua Secondary Gradient to Jire.
Sent: Aqua Torso to Jire.
Sent: Copper DQ to Jire.
Sent: Head Texture to Jire.
Sent: Left Bicep Texture to Jire.
Sent: Left Hand Texture to Jire.
Sent: Marine Timer to Jire.
Sent: Right Bicep Texture to Jire.
Sent: Right Hand Texture to Jire.
Sent: Set: items to Jire.
Sent: Set: texties <3scaarrs to Jire.