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I'm interested in psychology. post some facts out of your psychology notes on here if you have the same interest. I am mainly interested in clinical.

If your notes are good you earn tc.
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I think reality shows are good.
Shows how people live together.
A good point of the psychology.
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Here one: Loud talk can be ten times more distracting than the sound of a jackhammer. Loud, incessant chatter can make a listener nervous and irritable, say the findings, and even start him on the road to sanity

Another: Manifest behavior is determined by underlying psychological mechanisms, information processing devices located in the brain, in association with the external and internal inputs that activates them.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
I need 40k :>
But send what you think it worth. (:
Not knowing much about it, I did a google search:
The Psychopathy, also known as sociopaths, has been associated with the prototype of the serial killer, but not all killers are psychopaths and not all psychopaths come to be a murderer, or even physically violent!

It is important to demystify this idea because we may be dealing daily with a psychopath, without having the notion that this person is really sick and that ultimately, all the intrigue, confusion, disrespect, lies and malaise caused by the same, are not merely the result "bad shape". Some people only realize they have been dealing closely with a psychopath, moments before a fatality to happen to them, including their murder.

Although this disease is more common in men, it is also possible to find women sociopaths.
The first signs are beginning to become more evident after 15 years of age, although they might recognize some attitudes that point to this effect in an early age. Here then is the major symptoms that a psychopath presents:
- No Guilt
- Master of Lies
- Handling and Selfishness
- Intelligence
- Lack of Affect
- Impulsive
- Isolation
Another strange fact:
They can lie to polygraph test, because your heart rate does not change when she utters lies, and even when he commits crimes.
I won't be talking about everything that I know, instead a few tips on dealing with others who happen to annoy you.

Staying calm.
Make sure that you try to let whoever happens to be annoying you know (or at least look like) it doesn't bother you. Doing so may bore that person into just stopping.

Do not argue
This one is important. If that person is a kind of guy who gets "set off" easily he will most likely will start to yell if you question why he's doing it. In most cases this will make that person think that he is making you angry, which is his main goal in most cases. This could be shown by saying the same point, even though it has been proven to be wrong. Instead stay calm, and have a chat with him about it.

If all else fails
Avoid being nearby that person, contact a therapist, talk to someone who you know that can help fix the problem, or just deal with it if it's only minor.
Last edited by Daxx; Apr 28, 2011 at 03:02 AM.
Originally Posted by Leonardo View Post
I need 40k :>
But send what you think it worth. (:
Not knowing much about it, I did a google search:
The Psychopathy, also known as sociopaths, has been associated with the prototype of the serial killer, but not all killers are psychopaths and not all psychopaths come to be a murderer, or even physically violent!

It is important to demystify this idea because we may be dealing daily with a psychopath, without having the notion that this person is really sick and that ultimately, all the intrigue, confusion, disrespect, lies and malaise caused by the same, are not merely the result "bad shape". Some people only realize they have been dealing closely with a psychopath, moments before a fatality to happen to them, including their murder.

Although this disease is more common in men, it is also possible to find women sociopaths.
The first signs are beginning to become more evident after 15 years of age, although they might recognize some attitudes that point to this effect in an early age. Here then is the major symptoms that a psychopath presents:
- No Guilt
- Master of Lies
- Handling and Selfishness
- Intelligence
- Lack of Affect
- Impulsive
- Isolation
Another strange fact:
They can lie to polygraph test, because your heart rate does not change when she utters lies, and even when he commits crimes.

Your info is flawed. Psychopaths and Sociopaths are 2 different things. They are not 2 words for the same idea.
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In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by Gum View Post
Wanna learn a bit about how the minds of serial killers, sexual predators, and people with personality disorders work? Read any of the books by Dr. Duane Dobbert. He taught one of the classes I've taken at college and he is very knowledgeable on the topic.

You've sent 20000 toricredits to Gum

thx will check it out
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