Hm, i need a lower wings.
Here it is my offer :

Void Right Hand Flame :

Pharos Relax

Two Hunter Gradients (Primary and Secondary)

256x256 Head Texture Iten

2k TC
I accept tc and items not USD.
Also, i forgot to add that "some items" do not include flames.
It's All About Expansion
Danzos: Are your flames tilted towards the back or the front (made with a Y-gravity of - or +), or are they aligned with the body (made with a Y-gravity of 0)?
FOUNDER of [Wicked]
Join the Survivors.SALE 15k HunterForces
Those always stay behind the body.
Movement doesnt make a big effect to them.
Upper wings may get a bit messy though. Just check them in the browser.
It's All About Expansion