Christmas Lottery
Four more minutes and i'll be playing the game.

Didn't want to post this here as image, its WAY too big.
Click, please.

Also, @Gorman, you're aware that Bethesda works on a tottaly different style of gameplay, right?

Originally Posted by 1handclap View Post
Second Ziknon gameplay review "the bard hangs for debauchery". OK I'm won over partially with that quote, it still looks a bit linear to me, but I'd try out a demo.

Ahem, 16 different endings + non-linear quests + moral decisions disagree with that ;)

Afaik, there's no demo so far.
Last edited by ziknon; May 17, 2011 at 10:36 PM.
The only thing I regret about this game is not having the proper PC/laptop to run it on full options.

Other than this so far it looks to be quite awesome. It kicks things off a bit slow as far as the storyline goes but it's becoming more and more interesting.
Originally Posted by ziknon View Post
Also, @Gorman, you're aware that Bethesda works on a tottaly different style of gameplay, right?

Still an RPG.

Wait... you are implying Blizzard works on *similar* style of gameplay??!
I bought it yesterday ( premium edition, yo ) and I can't stop playing.
It's freakin awsome, fighting is much more difficult and exciting than in Witcher 1, plot is also cool.
Anywaaaaaaay, I'm big fan of Sapkowski and his books ( Witcher saga proudly stands on my shelf. I've finished it thousends of times ) so it's instant 10/10 for me.

All right, so I've gone quite far on the game already (I think, based on the Prologue - Act 1 - Act 2 - Epilog), and I felt like it deserved a 95 out of 100, only due to some performance bug on ATI graphic cards.

@Gorman: Nope, not my intention.
And actually the gameplay and combat is not boring at all. It needs all kind of strategies and different ways to deal with each enemy, and sometimes when it's more than one kind of that enemy, you have to completely change the way you were playing to defeat them, by using signs, traps, oils, potions, et cetera.
You just have to play it to see how it is, just watching youtube videos is not enough. It's not the Dragon Age 2 hack'n'slash type of game, or Blizzard's WoW (since I don't know any titles from Blizzard that are actually RPGs, since Warcraft & Starcraft are RTS, Rock'n'Roll Racing was...well, racing, The lost Dwarfs (is that right?) is a puzzle game and Diablo is a dungeon crawler/action RPG). I don't know much about the Elder Scrolls franchise, since the gameplay style isn't something I can actually say I like, just a matter of taste, though, since from what I've read/played the story, as far as Morrowind, is quite awesome.
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
Just wondering, would this be the first game(other than custer's revenge) to actually go as far as showing nipples?

God of War

Also, got this game today, pretty nice so far, but the gameplay really seems boring
[duck] 01101000 01101001 01110000 01101111 01110100 01101001 01100010 01101111 01110010
I am pretty sure this beats fable 3 how ever u compare the two
but I would go with shogun 2
wishful eyes deceive me
Originally Posted by Yourface View Post
I just got some birthday money, so I'm thinking about buying it.

Should I go with this or Fable III?

Fable 3 is among the worst games ever made. Kill it with fire would be my option regarding it.

And go with Witcher 2, it's worth the money.