Original Post
You've sent 100 toricredits to Phalanx24
You've sent 100 toricredits to TurtleBoy

Phalanx24, send me the ork force and I will give it to somebody.
i'd like a donation too (saving for marine relax)
and I have a chronos secondary and gladiator primary I would like to donate for the good cause

ow and plus rep
This is Overlord, the name means nothing, but i would like your orc force. A friend of mine is collecting orc and it is his birthday. I would like to send it to him Thank You
I have SUP1R C4NS1R and am leik whitebalt D:

Nah, JK. +Rep for the event.
»You just wasted 5 seconds of your life. Congratulations!«
[m] - 2/29/2008 - Never Forget