Originally Posted by Aviator View Post
Omg... I find this stuff offensive. I love Sambo/Aikido, and these easy B.S. single player, Uke madman slaughters do not have the right to be called "SAMBO!". Your replay thread should just be called "some more madmans with higher gravity this time....""

Sambo the real sambo is, a russian "mma-like-style" of fighting, more or less Russian wrestling/real judo. Not backflips and self dismemberment. I came to this thread expecting greatness, real sambo... this is sambo...

You really think judo has people exploding everywhere?

Or that jousting has people flying around?

Or that any martial arts name in toribash actually refers exactly to the same thing as in real life?


You're just taking this way too seriously.

On-Topic: the replays are awesome ^_^
Originally Posted by Aviator View Post
Omg... I find this stuff offensive. I love Sambo/Aikido, and these easy B.S. single player, Uke madman slaughters do not have the right to be called "SAMBO!". Your replay thread should just be called "some more madmans with higher gravity this time....""

Sambo the real sambo is, a russian "mma-like-style" of fighting, more or less Russian wrestling/real judo. Not backflips and self dismemberment. I came to this thread expecting greatness, real sambo... this is sambo...

You can go die in a fire you little assfuck. Toribash is not a fucking realistic game. He can call it anything he wants, you little noob, you should show more respect when you've only been here around 3 months and he's been here over a year. Point isn't for realism, dick. Obviously, if he used a mod, he would name the thread "More (insert mod) replays!" or something along those lines, if he used sambo, he would put the name up in there. You know wushu or judo or taek kyon styled replays? None of those look like real life! Sambo has higher gravity to focus on ground throws and grappling, like the real sambo, it doesn't mean you have to use it like that. Produce something half as good as this and I may listen to your utter bullshit. You think madmen are easy? Why don't you go do one and post it here, with the same fluidity level and dismemberments and speed as these. How could you find it offensive when it's a game and you aren't Russian? People/Countries, like Armenia, have built martial arts that are based on sambo, and you don't see the Russians launching nukes at this new "Easy BS offensive arts" do you?
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Wow, thats funny how a different opinon of a game can change your mood so negativley and effectivley.

I dont know if you read it wrong, or I wrote it wrong, but what I meant to say was: as much as I RESPECT madmans in a different light, this thread being tittle something as strongly as "THIS...IS...SAMBO!" is misleading (and in that case dissapointing) to actual sambo. What you displayed is not actual sambo, by any "real life" definition, its misleading "THIS...IS...MADMAN!" or something of the sort, would have attracted people who most likely would not be mislead. The fact that you let something as little as a dissenting opinion of a game, is another matter of its own, and beacuse apparently we have dissenting opinions of what factors control our life, I by no means would -rep you...

In the case of Chozo's comment/question. I dont beleive Judo has people expolding everywhere... thats why I refered to it as "real judo". Even still I beleive that the mod, which techinically isnt even a mod listed, is a reflection of the strentgh of those who practice/compete in judo, really the mod is more effective if a DQ ring is made and DQ only happends if the opponent is on his back or the other opponent displays contorl, also known as an "Ippon" in Judo, but you cant do that yet in Toribash, so im not complaining. The Judo.tbm to me is still, to me a preety accurate reflection of an element of Judo. I do believe that the mod "martial arts names" do have relation... in joust... too people go at each other at high speeds do they not... Its still the reflection... the fact that you brought that up has nothing to do with Sambo or any other martial art....

Ragdollmaster... tisk tisk.... your a senior member, yet you havent seen somone play Toribash realisticlly... thats sad... Toribash is realistic if you want it to be. and really How long I've been here has nothing to do with misleading threads, or overall Toribash knowledge, cause I've been playing Toribash longer than i've even been aware of the forums. Umm people dont normally call their replay threads in here More (Classic) Replays if their really just displaying singleplayer madmans. DO you know JDawg, you should since you've been here so much longer than i have, anyway he makes like 3 madmans a day, good ones at that, and he has yet to tittle a single madman replay thread "More Classic Replays". Like I said earlier I appericate a good madman, in a different light, but dont fucking come at me saying I dont have the ability to make one at the same caliber of this one. You dont know me well enough to say that, your just a "senior flamer" for all I know. And I dont have to be russian, or even russian at that matter, to appreciate Sambo. I appreciated Sambo for what it really is when I Wrestled a three time Sambo state finnalist for 1st at a Tournament. not when I played this game... back off... or as a "senior flamer" would say: go die in a fire.

To stay on topic I appologize if I didnt reflect my literal intentions in a way acceptable to you and how you view Toribash as "mood" changing factor in your life... my bad... didnt know you were that serious about it, keep making your madmans, they are of a special quality, just dont rep something their not, and expect people not to have a dissenting opinion about them

Joonveen, I love your avatar
2nd Dan Black Belt
UNCE Aikido/Sabmbo Player
Josh Homme: "Ck-Ck-Ck-ck-Ck-Cocaine!"
Pretty rare for such an extreme post to be one I would agree with, but ragdoll pretty much drove the nail--scratch that blasted the fully-auto nail gun-- home so...


on topic:

oh wow. /doubletake
shook you have amazing skills, and these are awesome replays 9/10.
Originally Posted by Aviator
I dont know if you read it wrong, or I wrote it wrong, but what I meant to say was: as much as I RESPECT madmans in a different light, this thread being tittle something as strongly as "THIS...IS...SAMBO!" is misleading (and in that case dissapointing) to actual sambo. What you displayed is not actual sambo, by any "real life" definition, its misleading "THIS...IS...MADMAN!" or something of the sort, would have attracted people who most likely would not be mislead. The fact that you let something as little as a dissenting opinion of a game, is another matter of its own, and beacuse apparently we have dissenting opinions of what factors control our life, I by no means would -rep you...

There is just this little matter that, as you know, Sambo is a mod, Classic is not.
I'm sorry if i did disappoint you, but still. It's a well-known mod here in Toribash,
so i should at least have the right to name it like that. Now, i know that people
who know Sambo for real (I don't :P) may get confused with the title, but the
fact is just that the majority of the players here doesn't. (Correct me if i'm wrong)
I figured that it wouldn't create any confusion (Well, i didn't, but whatever) if
i named the thread as the mod i used. Apparently i was wrong.
I don't really know how to explain this coherently ._.
Sorry about exploding earlier in any case, i'm just a very paranoid person...
Blame the bullies in school for that :P
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
your right when it comes to flaming... he preety much got me with the auto-nail-gun. Thats some Senior Member skill shit, man my three months of post cant give skillz like that

FUCK BULLES! Imma start a bully genocide, just for you shook O.K. But how can classic not be a mod, if when you look up a server under multiplayer, and you look in the mod category, it says classic. and if you type in your console /set mod classic it resests in classic mode. Classic is as much of a mod as Sambo. But you have a point that some people might not know what Sambo is.. i mighta overlooked that, just beacuse one Sambo kid, gave me a near death match, doesnt mean everyone else has
Last edited by Aviator; Mar 31, 2008 at 11:00 PM.
2nd Dan Black Belt
UNCE Aikido/Sabmbo Player
Josh Homme: "Ck-Ck-Ck-ck-Ck-Cocaine!"
Originally Posted by Aviator View Post
But how can classic not be a mod, if when you look up a server under multiplayer, and you look in the mod category, it says classic. and if you type in your console /set mod classic it resests in classic mode. Classic is as much of a mod as Sambo.

Ahh, that's easy to answer. Because the default settings in a game isn't a mod.
Classic is as big a mod for Toribash as singleplayer is for Crysis.
Also, if you type "/loadmod OMFGITSAHIPPO" or "/set mod OMFGITSAHIPPO" it'll load up classic.
Toribash is by default set to 100 distance, 100 DM, low gravity and so on, requiring
no input from the user to change it. If an unknown mod is specified, it'll naturally
load up the default settings. Ergo can it not be a mod. Logical?
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Damn... cant argue with that... I tried too. Point taken
2nd Dan Black Belt
UNCE Aikido/Sabmbo Player
Josh Homme: "Ck-Ck-Ck-ck-Ck-Cocaine!"