People coming back from the dead, or sudden hope.
Example some huge battle between good and evil, until good wins but the main character dies, usually in a huge pile of rubble, and then, boop. His head sticks out. Hurray, hurray, a cliche.
i hate when on the final shooting scene, all the bad guys are shooting machine guns against uncovered good guys and no one hits, then the good guy kills one bad with each shot, from maybe a gunslinger, or something incredibly weak
then the MASTER bad guy comes, and HE CANT HIT IT OMG...
People tripping on flat land in horror movies.
Cars not starting in horror movies.
The virgin always lives in horror movies.
The person having sex/taking a shower is usually one of the first people to die in horror movies.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else
People tripping on flat land in horror movies.
Cars not starting in horror movies.
The virgin always lives in horror movies.
The person having sex/taking a shower is usually one of the first people to die in horror movies.