Christmas Lottery
i make this
Forum activity(1-10):
In-game activity(1-1o):
Why do you want to join?:I never in join in other clă so this is my chance
What can you bring for this clan?just want to help this clan to be offical
kenai, ur in as a member!

sirss, please use english even though u r no more [Cool]!
Last edited by evan1998; Jun 21, 2011 at 04:29 PM.
Trying to pass secret dojo~
To show everyone I'm the best.
To live and not be afraid of death, that's my motto and you?
This is my chance
If life was easy you do not cry i was born
Best Musical is that it reflects what you
kurenai, that's spamming ==" and just to answer u this is my motto. Behind hate is love, behind love is shy behind shy is jealousy, but behind all of these is happiness, i have conquered all of these and found out that this is the key of life! hehe, it's my motto, u might kinda think it's only a riddle or something but trust me behind this motto is a key of life.. (seriously), now stop spamming!!
Trying to pass secret dojo~