I've never had lessons or anything so be gentle -runs and hides-

As jy lag sal ek jo hart uit jo gat uitgetrek
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actually naaier ive never had lessons either but coming from a master artist (me) thats awesome and i can draww layouts for textures on paper just not heads and transfer to computer
The Revanent
iam making a new set heres the legs its a wip but what to you think,the line in the center realy bugs me ideas any one?

You should try add there soem kind logo and motto, if you ask from me.
Extreme's 2nd Leader-----There ain't the saints or devastating devils. There is and always will be just humans' quilty and rage with their decisions.
Originally Posted by Naaier View Post
I've never had lessons or anything so be gentle -runs and hides-

As jy lag sal ek jo hart uit jo gat uitgetrek

Wow my tjoma dis moer goed ek kan nie eers vir jou advise gee nie ek kan nie so goed teken nie