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Opener challenge 33


Getting new banner soon!

Got opener, what do?!

Welcome to the 33rd Opener Challenge. This event is on the 3rd of July and is the 3rd opener challenge I have hosted!

You must use the exact opener (attatched) up until frame 360, and do whatever you like from this point onward.

Post your one replay in this thread, and I shall judge the replays. The winners will be the ones who make best use out of the opener.

This week, the opener has been created by Me!

1st - 10k
2nd - 7k
3rd - 3k

The final date for submissions is Sunday, 10th of July
Attached Files
Oc 33.rpl (35.7 KB, 204 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
Nice Zero i wondering how good are u Wow mu sucks cuz i dsnt have much time cuz i travel to londo im coming back thursday Cya
Rainbow powers FTW!!! Bitches :3
NinoRossii <3
i think u are first or second but i think at largekilla wins and my was suckness rpl ever
Rainbow powers FTW!!! Bitches :3
NinoRossii <3
Originally Posted by superjesse View Post
i think u are first or second but i think at largekilla wins and my was suckness rpl ever

I dont think so. The host/judge likes speed, spins, skill, DMs and good ending pose.
~knight zero~