Original Post
Opener challenge 34


Getting new banner soon!

Got opener, what do?!

Welcome to the 34th Opener Challenge. Time for a more difficult opener!
What's that, you don't think the opener is difficult.
Well then, go ahead!

You must use the exact opener (attatched) up until frame 410, and do whatever you like from this point onward.

Post your one replay in this thread, and I shall judge the replays. The winners will be the ones who make best use out of the opener.

This week, the opener has been created by Me!

1st - 10k
2nd - 7k
3rd - 3k

The final date for submissions is Sunday, 17th of July
Attached Files
Oc34.rpl (30.5 KB, 163 views)
Sold my dog to join RRO
Might exchange it for a better one tomorrow.

Edited: Added better pose.
Attached Files
Marccod-Oc34.rpl (188.5 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by marccod; Jul 11, 2011 at 05:30 PM.
Yar-Har-Fiddle-De-De, Do what you want cause a Pirate is free!
It's just a decap for now. I'll throw in some more later on if I can.
Meh, I hope it's better. The middle seems a bit off to me.
Attached Files
oc34 decap.rpl (96.1 KB, 9 views)
oc34 replay.rpl (190.1 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Skolfe; Jul 12, 2011 at 02:14 PM.
Here I go. a little capoeira like move.

I thought im not going to put an entry here.

waahh. i checked and scanned my replay with hax_detection.lua. It says its haxed?! the last dismemberment didnt happen.
Attached Files
Zero_OC34 #2.rpl (160.4 KB, 13 views)
Last edited by KZero07; Jul 11, 2011 at 03:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
~knight zero~
Primarily went for style, but there is SOME ownage in there.

EDIT: Kill me now.
Attached Files
Last edited by Gradeger; Jul 15, 2011 at 07:20 PM.