Christmas Lottery
I turn into a bitch when I see a spider, so I'm sure this would fuck me up without trying. Hey at least It's not a land animal.
<Fish> How is being a dumbass a form of venting? Is this some sort of flatulence related joke?
I don't know what you all think is going on, but this thing looking slightly like a penis/pokemon does not turn this place into wibbles. I have currently deleted 10 useless posts from this thread(And I have yet to read the full thread) anymore useless/bullshit posts will be reported/infracted.
Back for good.
That's pretty creepy, man. Definitely something I'd rather not encounter.
Reminds me of a Shuckle in a way.
[04:34] <siku> i can already tell you 2 are awful since piratez is a terrible clan that cares about post count above everything else


Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.