Name(real name): Otto
Belt: Brown belt
Why you want to join: I would like to join this clan, because I think this is good clan, and I really mean it!
Forum Activity: 8 / 10, could be 9 / 10 if necessary. I go to forums 2 times a day.
Ingame Activity: 9 / 10 I play everyday, if I'm home
Ban/Infractions: -
Name(real name)aimy
Belt green
Why you want to join: im an elite fightster and i want to help you guys get bigger
Forum Activity: medium
Ingame Activity: high
Ban/Infractions: none
Name(real name): Patrick
Belt: blue
Why you want to join: I saw your clan on running and I think you are very talented players ;)
Forum Activity: Im checking forum every day so 9/10
Ingame Activity: Im playing every day If I'm home
Namereal name) Robert
Why do you want to join: Im looking for a clan to help rise to the 1st place
Forum activity:Medium
In game activity:Huge