Christmas Lottery
Same as me. We can't kissing each other even we were senior high. C'mon. I wanna feel her lips.

By the way I was wrong about ' his boyfriend' so. Understang me please
Originally Posted by RawrRawrRawr View Post

Badass Post!

Even discussion doesn't have these badass posts.

You seem to want her really bad. Then start trying your luck at her in secret. like helping here in some schoolwork etc etc.

If your friend notices and ask you about what feelings you have for her then tell him.

You cannot hide it from him.
@RawrRawrRawr: It seems english isn't your native language. Take badass as a compliment, you didn't need to delete your post. Just read it as "Cool", if it helps.

@Everyone else: Cut the idealism. NO woman will fall in love with you just because you say you love her. Love must be conquered. It's not just *herpaderp i wuv u gimme babies* Love does not last forever, that fuzzy warm feeling inside you will be gone within a year or two, depends on how you feed it. Friendship, on the other side, tends only to get better within the time. So, depending on how close you are to her, just lay low, or if you are closer friends, tell him how you feel, but also tell her how you don't want to lose her boyfriend's friendship. Remember not to mistake love for lust. If you really love her, you could just wait for you to be more mature, if you are the one on your avatar, chances are if you ever manage to date her, it won't last much long. You'll see, there's not much to do when you're 13.

Or you could always

Last edited by RobertGB; Jul 20, 2011 at 09:34 PM.
Go with the break them apart plan if your best friend is not your main best friend or like Robert said forget the girl and focus the money cause later on in life when your f***ing rich the girls will go to you and btw lol'd at the his boyfriend part.
Say: Eye Spell: Map Say Ness :3
Just don't try doing any "moves" on her.
It won't end well (considering your best friend is her current boyfriend).
If she loves you as much as you seem to like her, she'll dump her boyfriend and move to Kenya with you.
bros before hoes

tell it to your friends all around school and then youll end up like me.


You dont want a girl that bosses you around.If she does dump her in the trash can.