Original Post
Unknown's 1k "Teach me something!" Competition
This is my "Teach me something!" Competition.
Teach me something new, like a trick, move, fighting style, etc.
You can use replays, move instructions, anything to help me improve.

You CAN use regular mods like twinswords, sambo, etc.
You CAN show me multiplayer replays
You CANNOT use strange mods like Uncopyrightable's.
You CAN PM instructions to me instead of posting here.
You CANNOT use strange settings like an engage height of 1000, unless it applies to the mod.

Competition ends April 20.

1000 toricredits

You may donate toricredits to the prize if you wish.

here's a decent Judo/leftknife opener...

Hold all
Contract left pec
Contract right pec
Right rotate chest
Left bending lumbar
Contract abs
Contract right hip
Extend left ankle
Relax left shoulder
Contract left elbow
Contract left wrist
Grab left hand
Contract right wrist
Grab left hand

(the usual follow up...)
Extend both hips & Glutes...
and depending on what your opponent did adjust upper body however you think will work best
<3 Toribash!
I hope you appreciate this: this is played with frames of 10 with a recommended setup total of 60.Everything else should be default.

press "c"
1.Contract left elbow and left pecs
2.Expand left ankle, then make a grabbing left hand
3. Press space 2 times
4.Contract right elbow and right pecs
5. Press space 1 time
6.Expand left hip, rotate chest to the right and lumbar to the left
7.Contract right hip, relax right knee, and expand right ankle
8. Press space 2 times
9.Expand right knee space 1 time

This is not quoted, but it is a copy of my post when I first created the move *\_/*
Teh ultimately simple decap

Distance 100
Dismemberthreshold 100
mod Classic

1. Lower shoulders, contract pecs.
2. Space, if turnframes is 10.
2. Raise shoulders, extend pecs, contract elbows.
3. Space.
4. Contract pecs, extend elbows, extend wrists, crabby hands.
5. Space x2 or turn 11 frames.
Got a beautiful body halving kick that works with engage distance 200 and turnframes 50 (in other words, wushu settings).

turn 1

Extend Abs
Contract Right Hip
Extend Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Extend Ankles

turn 2

Rotate Chest Left
Bend Lumbar Left
Contract Abs
Extend Pecs
Raise Shoulders
Extend Elbows
Extend Right Glute
Contract Right Knee
Extend Left Knee

Enjoy! It's real pretty like.

Edit: I made this is frac threshold 200, dismemberment 300, so needless to say, dismemberment 100 works.
Last edited by meisdavidp; Apr 11, 2008 at 03:03 PM. Reason: clarification
Originally Posted by meisdavidp View Post
Got a beautiful body halving kick that works with engage distance 200 and turnframes 50 (in other words, wushu settings).

turn 1

Extend Abs
Contract Right Hip
Extend Left Hip
Contract Left Knee
Extend Ankles

turn 2

Rotate Chest Left
Bend Lumbar Left
Contract Abs
Extend Pecs
Raise Shoulders
Extend Elbows
Extend Right Glute
Contract Right Knee
Extend Left Knee

Enjoy! It's real pretty like.

Edit: I made this is frac threshold 200, dismemberment 300, so needless to say, dismemberment 100 works.

Wushu is engage distance 250.
Originally Posted by GenX000 View Post
here's a decent Judo/leftknife opener...

Hold all
Contract left pec
Contract right pec
Right rotate chest
Left bending lumbar
Contract abs
Contract right hip
Extend left ankle
Relax left shoulder
Contract left elbow
Contract left wrist
Grab left hand
Contract right wrist
Grab left hand

(the usual follow up...)
Extend both hips & Glutes...
and depending on what your opponent did adjust upper body however you think will work best

That's a good entry GenX000, knowing that I want to learn Judo!
Here is my favorite move ever. I am very sad to give it up. It is like the MOST powerful decap evar! Set mod default.tbm

press "c"
contract both pecs
right rotate chest
right bend lumbar
extend abs
contract left elbow
grabby left hand

Space X2

here it is!

and then another move I did with
Last edited by grumpyman2; May 15, 2008 at 03:37 AM.
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.
Originally Posted by NutHug View Post
If you grab your penis and move your hand up and down very fast you will get a funny feeling.

but if your a girl put a thing thats shaped like a rod and stick it in your vagina or up your butt O_O
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
stop this kinda unmature behaviour plz.

its neither funny nor has it anything to do with this competition
My deviantART
so wut?