Christmas Lottery
i agree with u guys, i think im a magnetic for faggots, i meet per day about 15 ppl who really anoys me , i dont get what is the point of kidding someone for fun or kick him from servers without a reason,some ppl are just assholes , what have nothing better to do as anoying other ppl who try to be nice.

i ever say TRUST NOONE u dont know in real life !

People bring their real life problems in Games too ,what they cant do in real life they do in a Game , or they let their hate out on ppl ingame.

But it dont help to insult them , if u do u become the same as this people.
so stay nice and kind although its hard..
The Sleepy Beast
This all depend where you go while in-game.
If you create a server a make a password noobs will not disturbe you.
And on forums there are scamms because ppl don't know how to act.
Is basicly this.
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
The community was cool before 2010.

After that the forums and the game has been full of bitches.

Very true.
When I finally made it to the blackbelt rooms I was welcomed, everyone said congratz on making it this far, it felt nice. I really do miss that a lot.
Yeah, back in my day everyone was nice and we all knew each other, but then, all of you showed up...

tl;dr I'm not always an elitist bastard, but when I am it's in an appropriate thread.
When I used to play toribash, the game was cool because there wasn't as many trolls, and you knew most of the people that were online, but know you can find trolls all over toribash, and give it a bad name.
To me, it seems like the problem is within some of the new-coming 2011ers (no offense).
They haven't been taught the basic rules or regulations yet, so they just decide to have fun with people in the servers.
I also know some people who joined at around 2008, and have been influenced by the people who just joined, and it basically ruined their personalities.
It like they're a drug or something.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
To me, it seems like the problem is within some of the new-coming 2011ers (no offense).
They haven't been taught the basic rules or regulations yet, so they just decide to have fun with people in the servers.
I also know some people who joined at around 2008, and have been influenced by the people who just joined, and it basically ruined their personalities.
It like they're a drug or something.

Yes. Thats true.
2010 players too. 2010 was when people started to be fucking assholes. All they do anymore is do yo momma jokes and shit ingame, and also troll, kick, mute, abuse etc. That's why whenever I go ingame, I tend to stick with 2009 - later players, unless theyr a friendly player from 2010
Originally Posted by Juhizz View Post
The community was cool before 2010.

After that the forums and the game has been full of bitches.

but there are a few nice people left.
Oh, but they are like a pillow in a haystack..., of needles.
You have to get through all the needles to find someone that's not a -insert negative adjective- or something.

Let's just say that people that can't type, are immature, or just trolls, they are needles.
Everyone that posted on this thread are pillows. :3

Pillows are able to withstand needles, to the point when they are pincushions, so if you also find someone who can't hold their temper, they're just a pack of needles ready to explode.

Anonymity, why must you be so cruel to us?!
Last edited by MajorKitty; Jul 24, 2011 at 10:52 PM.