Name: LDevil
Reason for applying: I have never been in a clan before so it will be a something new to me.
Infractions: 1 day ban that was all i have got so far
Belt: Blue
Why I love poppo361: He is a beast
Activity level on forum: Im always on but dont post so much
Activity level in-game: Everyday for hours
Posts(30 minimum): sorry I dont post im to afraid of infractions
Favourite mode: Akido
ICOF forever! FUCK YEA EGGY AND ME GONNA FUCK YO SHIT UP! We shall never backdown! You cant handle us when we fight! We are the Irish Gods! Fear us!
Hm. You don't quite reach the standards. Could you raise your posts up to 30 or more in a few days? If you need help learning the rules, go to the IRC channel, #RenDe.
That guy named Poppo
You know, the leader of Fyre.
Reason for applying:i really need clan who can help me be a better player in wushu.
Why I love poppo361: im a gay
Activity level on forum: 5
Activity level in-game: 10 holiday only
Posts(30 minimum): already
Favourite mode: wushu fixed