Secret Santa 2024
bubble face. expands in the middle, narrows at top and bottom.
eyes are still slightly high.
mouth is still too low
nose is still too long, just moving the face down doesnt fix it.
hairline is still too high up
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Btw Mc, ingame previews should be without raytrace on :]

As far as the mapping goes it's not as bad as LWafflez or Ben says, but it's not as good as Mc says either. With some small adjustments it can be made better, especially if you were lower the eyes a bit and make the nose shorter. Or do that, raise the mouth and lower the hair on the front. The head should focus around the middle of the head more and not the extremities.

However I do agree with Ben on the rest especially on the hair. The way you do the hair for most of your heads appears the same or at least very similar. It looks a bit muddy sort of.
thank you guys and thx mcburger for the ingame pic.
in the end its my head ;)
the mapping is still fine to me, you take it all to serious.
Its just a face that i drawed in my free time. Hairline will get fixed thx

KOT: Stop neglecting people's advice. Yes, your style is your own but if modifications can improve it you're just being stubborn.
Fix up the mapping a little and the top of the head, its going to look like it points to the top center which is a really nooby thing to do.
I do like the painted feel tho, very nicely done if its with a mouse. You need to define the hairline some more tho and remove the random line down the center of the face.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 4, 2011 at 03:26 PM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."
monobi i just say that they dont shall take it so serious i dont want to read critics about 5 pages i have a live you know. But thank you for your tipps the line is already fixed and with the hair your right. And yes its all drawed with my mouse

Don't post in the Art board if you're going to refuse to accept valid constructive criticism solely for the reason that "you have a life". I sincerely doubt that you "have a life", considering that there has been no more than a 3-6 hour window between each of your responses and your large amount of posts per day made in the MM board, indicating that you lurk or check the forums frequently. This being the case, we can assume that the remaining time in between those responses is filled by you toying around with Photoshop (or whatever digital design software you use) or playing DoTA (as advertised in your signature).

That being said, the mapping is awful. When you attempt to make a semi-realistic head the proportions have to be impeccable in order for that style to work. With a tribal or a shitty knock-off anime head mapping mistakes are forgivable because those styles don't necessitate perfection in design by their very nature. But on a realistic head, mapping has to be spot-on or it's just a flat-out piece of garbage. If you don't want to take the time to read and follow the excellent advice given on this page, which you have implicitly asked for by posting it in the Art subforum and actually improve your art, then stop making it. It ain't gonna get any better.
back from the dead
if i post here then i is in times where i dont have to work. On free days or were i dont have to met with frinds. I dont care about your rating its considering the same as in posts before.Just with the informations from my sig or from my posts you dont should try to blame my posts. Your not in this.
Next days i dont have time to work on heads so there will be a longer break

Seeing as you dont want people to comment on your art, il close this for you.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-