For me hapiness is an emotion, and it cannot last, because life will throw stuff at you every time. Thought, poor people are more happy than rich, because every time they have something, they are happy, like for example, a family that can barely eat, they get more food because their mom got a raise, they will be happy for a while, but one day it will become common and they will want more.
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Happiness is has to do with ur whole mental mindframe, on of the best feeling a person can get..... apart from wat mega said. lol
Happiness is a warm cup of Milo Next to a fireplace in winter.
Happiness is splashing and wading around at the beach with friends in summer.
Happiness is that feeling of pure glee, fun and amazement that you get whenever things are going your way for a short time.
My heart just wouldn't be in it, you know? haven't got one.
In my opinion, happiness is a state of mind where nothing is harming or upsetting you, and it depends on every person's life experience, history, thoughts or even wishes. When you feel acomplished. When no bad emotions are bothering you. When you feel relaxed among with the things you love.

Is happiness a state of mind, that we can easily reach?
No, since we have many challenges in our lives.

I think happiness is a goal we usually try to reach, but is it possible to reach this as a long-lasting achievement?
I think so. I always keep hoping that it happens.

Is happiness related to the country we live?
Somewhat. As I said, it depends on every person's life experience, history, thoughts or even wishes. Some may like it, some may not.