seeing from now,
you made shading with black and white, it is a big mistake,
the overall look is worse.
About result,
the torso and arms are with a lower contrast than it should be,
we cannot see an arms and the back, it is the same.
That is the meaning of flat.

I see a good result with the torso texture,
seems really like skin.
The head had a great result,
I see the bends,
altought the tongue fell into
same mistake said about shading.
the body is kinda weird
i know your trying the make it in the darkness or something but the shade is weird
try to add the shadows of the arms
right now the body seems to be an armless monster but the head is great
and what was the tut you used? can you pm me?
Certainly my favourite childhood villian!
This is a really good drawing! I like the tongue and there is a lot of detail.
I'm not kidding when I say 10/10.
Its good , though.

But you used a reference , thats annyoing me
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)