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Well, my personal thoughts about girls are that they need to be respected. If you want a relationship with her, be honest and never lie to her. Fail at doing this and you will rape your love life.
Last edited by Hero; Aug 23, 2011 at 07:23 PM.
i think men are very forward and one miscalculated step forward can lead to several metaphorical steps back. so in this sense i think that men have the brainpower and physical ability to do anything if they weren't busy going for what they wanted. women look at the big picture and men look at whats directly in front of them and deal with that. that's about as far as i can go on this subject
Edit: hand-heart to akmal ;) you got it straight
[Ethereal] | Toribash Gambling Org
ʏ ᴜ ɴᴏ ᴊoiɴ?
girls are whiny and annoying and it's hard to find one who isn't trash, but i also really admire the female gender because the feminine beauty is very majestic and graceful and ive always admired the female form

just for the record, if I could ban you twice right now, I would
Last edited by sid; Oct 18, 2014 at 03:59 AM.
I only like the kawaii parts of the female. But I guess the others are okay too.
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
Lol, this thread is like 3 years old,
But yeah anyway, girls never talk straight, if she is falling in love, she'll give some code to the boys, but on the opposite, boys are bad at understanding that code, so yeah, its getting complicated :/
But somehow, a girl that looks like a man, i mean her personality, is better at expressing her feelings, I mean its not too complicated for us to know what is inside her feelings.

Kay, enough of this, back to the normal lifes
u wot m8
Girls have periods, ew.
Last edited by PiePwn; Oct 21, 2014 at 03:22 PM. Reason: Changed my mind
Ninjutsu Club.
Ninjutsu Club Leader.

Retired, at least for now.
To be honest, girls are almost no different then boys. You have straightforward girls, and straitforward guys. You also have the shy ones as well. They all have feelings, just like guys do. Guys in my opinion just think that hiding your feelings, especially the sad and "bitchy" ones because that's "girly" is whats best to do.

Girls have the same feelings we all do, some just want to fuck because they enjoy it just like guys. However, having sex and loving someone is completely different. Love in my opinion is when you would do anything for that person to make them happy. Girls expect guys to listen and to take care of them and their needs. If you love her, then thats what you should be doing anyways whether that be shopping, being there for emotional support, or being there to have sex and make her feel good.

Basically, girls are just like men and they just want to be happy and be treated with the respect they deserve.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Oct 17, 2014 at 04:00 PM.
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Originally Posted by DruggedPanda View Post
Basically, girls are just like men and they just want to be happy and be treated with the respect they deserve.

men and women are very different my boy, but similar in only that aspect