PayPal can take money directly out of a bank account if you set it up, but that can take about a week, it looks like this could be over long before then!

You guys rock by the way!
I has a flavour
At this rate I think we could buy Ducky an awesome new computer to play it on...
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
I'll scrounge some cash together for a buddy...
This is the Emergency Alert System. All normal programming has been discontinued during this emergency.
I just upped my donation from $1 to $4. We have the money! Ducky has gmod + CS:S heading his way!

You guys rock! Managed it in less than an hour!
I has a flavour
You could have let slith donate, I think he's sad nao... Anyways woot!
work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over
no doubt, there will be other people in need with special events occuring! There should be more donation drives like this in the future with the success of this one

It is great when a community actually comes together
I has a flavour
Well done guys.

19:08 <@SlainVeteran> FINNISH
That is pretty freakin' sweet, and I will donate next time around, assuming that it will be after I have a job and can pay rent... >.>
boaf's wub. :3