1.There are two people of this world, that involves their lives :
A. A person who 'wastes' their life, not making use of it.
B. A person who uses their life, making use of it.
2. Selfish people focus on things that are current in their lives. That causes corruption.
A. Money, if used by selfish (rich) people in the wrong way, can control everything. Because selfish people are corrupted, they do these things.
B. They lose the true value of things, and only find money useful.
3. People should go beyond the gold, and think of not just the money, or your life, but of other things' and peoples' lives.
(Ex, skywalkr will go to a forest, after the selfishness kills itself.)
Fuck bitches, get money, get bitches, fuck pancakes, make lemons, rinse and repeat.
You like to see homo's naked? (if you don't get that Joe Dirt reference, you suck)
Anyway, there is no point to life, objectively. Reproduce, I guess? I simply live because my brain wants to, so I do. I am positively stimulated by certain chemicals that are generally emitted when "good' things happen, so i try to stick to those things to satisfy my desires as a living creature.
Fuck bitches, get money, get bitches, fuck pancakes, make lemons, etc.
1. Find a purpose, if possible.
2. Fulfill purpose, or purposes.
3. When purpose, or purposes, are done, go to step 1. If no more purposes are able to be found, resort to step 4.
4. If continuing past step 4, record all thoughts, ideas, and/or anything of no physical, but of spiritual, mental, cultural, and/or anything that will continue your imprint on the world.
5. Do whatever you must do, before meeting Death. This includes last wills, regrets, or any other attachments to your life.
6. Before actually dying, assure that your in a state of solemn bliss, if not, return to step 5. This is the last sign of no attachments.
7. Slowly die, but do not trouble your family/families.
8.Your life is now spent.
9. * I am not sure of what happens next, but it may reflect on your life, or any such of moral value, if applied. *
10A. A paradox of religion, thought, and moral value ensues, but since you are dead, you are beyond all of that, and of a higher plane of thought.
10B. A cycle is played, and you are reborn with another life, and is based on your moral, if applied.
10C. An eternity of darkness ensues you, and you have now entered a paradox, of infinitive depth, and will never escape, because that is how it was made.
10D. The being you have worshiped, or not, has judged upon you A, B, or C.
10E. An eternal emptiness ensues your soul, or whatever is left from all those steps, and you have now lost all alike characteristics from a human.
10F. None of the above happen.
10G. All, or some, of the above, happen, at once, or in an order.
10H. I have no idea.
Congrats, you have now completed whatever your purpose was of existence.
Oh Really?