think about what Hitler did its the best example , and a example how easy are humans to manipulate , or just think about why soldiers can kill people , they believe in a lie ,cuz they think they kill for a good thing, but on war there is no good thing , its just for the money and the power of the goverment ,they dont care if u die , soldiers are just figures on a chessboard, besides do u know about the massmurdering in guaranda , the american goverment told soldiers to destroy this little village, and kill all ppl doesnt matter if they enemy or not.. so the soldiers got break in their humanity and killed civilists,although they know what they do...cuz they got command to do it..
so there is ur answer, yes u can
, u can make a human to ur slave and take all his human rights , and his personality , u can make him to a mindless person , who just live to serve his master