Originally Posted by Meap View Post

Im contented with the life I have now

I can eat
I have shelter
I have things that can entertain me
and I got friends that makes my life good

Like what pinkwaffles said

Being famous makes more problems in your life.

and its true

When your famous

Media always follows you (Paparazzi and stuffs)
and some always finds a way to embarass you
with photos or false stories

I dont even like being followed it gets annoying
when people follow you especially when lots of
them do

and I dont care about fortune

You dont need lots of money to live

all you need is Shelter,Food and water.

Also,as long as I have a job that makes me happy and give me the needed money to pay my bills and my internet connection,my life would be perfect.
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Last edited by Vox; Oct 24, 2011 at 08:52 PM.