Nevertheless it didn't hit the earth and scientists say there is a 1 in 1000 chance of that other asteroid hitting us in 2182 but I wouldn't be worried about that because by that time The Singularity will have occurred. Aaaaah sweet magical science.
Well a couple days ago a meteor passed in between the Earth's, and Moon's orbit. Scientists say it was about the size of a city block and it had no chance of hitting us in the first place.
Tell me what you think about this!
I personally am thankful to be alive. A meteor that is the size of a city block could level a city, or a state depending on its velocity.
This is a little disturbing.
I don't feel comfortable with meteors the size of city blocks flying around everywhere, we need to prepare for the next one.
Jire, why not? I'm sure that if the strongest countries in the whole world worked together and used all of their missiles then we could blow it away?