radioactive force is notsold out. i just bought it from the shop. 682 in stock. -_-
<Hanz0> Crush his hopes and dreams in the palm or your hand.Doitdoitdoit ;D
sphinx grad money sent
Originally Posted by ingame chatz0r
[FID]borgpunx : This server is Wurstfest
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : it brings different cultures together
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : let's worship the Wurst
[Urban-Elite]Rutzor : and accept it as our new live preserver

I'll take an aqua left leg trail. sending toricreds.
Our Raptor, Who art in /h/eaven, ; Thy posts be done In /b/ as it is in /h/eaven. forgive us our trolling As we forgive those who troll against us, deliver us from /fur/ry. In the name of the Moot. Amen.