Ok , Downloading Highjackthis now.
Posting the log soon.
No Cmd is running in Task manager nor Process Explorer.
Will try Mbam in Safemode tonight -Full scan-
I have CCleaner, Not listed as a bootup item, Not even in Winsomething (forgot what its called , but my friend told me to try it , its a CMD command that opens a window)
it's located in System32 , along with a "ping6.exe".
I'll Edit this post with the Hijackthis log in a bit.
----Removed Hi-jack this logs----
Thats the Hijack this log , Also , didnt know if this was relevant , but just in case , In Regular boot mode , After trying to delete Either Ping.exe Or Ping6.exe , they Re-appear in minutes and The Process is back hogging CPU
I might've read somewhere its being run by a fkae SVCHost.exe , but im not sure , maybe you know?
Last edited by InfernoXZ; Jan 11, 2012 at 04:28 AM.
Reason: Hijack logs