I'm gonna narrate all I can remember.
I was born 9 months but when I came out from my mother's womb my skin was purple so my parents sent me to our family doctor
and he gave me some medications. Later that day something happened and made my status 60-40, my parents were worried so much
and they don't know what to do. When it was 12 AM my doctor found a solution, he injected a medicine to me and if I don't respond
on 6 AM I will die, luckily, I responded and survived.
I grew up with a mild blood disease called Thalassemia but it didn't harm me and it was cured when I was 3 years old. When I was
4 I started to have tantrums, I can't control myself, I can't stop myself and I harm my family members, the good thing is that this rarely
happens and it stopped when I was 8 years old.
Everything is fine until now but I think i'm getting paranoid. When i'm about to sleep I close the lights in our living room, the time I go
upstairs I get this feeling that I didn't close the lights so I have to go back down again to check, same thing happens when I lock
the door in our house.
That's my life story, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.