In all honesty, they're both great, and have their own individual perks and good exclusive games. I'll put the ones I KNOW out there, and then I guess you can decide.
-Nice controllers(although since you're used to those I guess it isn't important).
-Better community(more people with mics, friendlier, less tryhards wannabe MLGs).
-Exclusives I enjoy(some are also on pc, though) - Left 4 Dead series, Halo series, Alan Wake, Dead or Alive series, Dead Rising series, Fable series, Tales of Vesperia, Gears of War series, Saints Row, The Orange Box, and The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
-Free online play.
-Less prone to breakdowns(although my xbox hasn't red-ringed and I've had it 6 years).
-Usernames allow chartacters other than letters and numbers
-Exclusives I've heard are good and are received well: Uncharted series, LittleBigPlanet series, Resistance series, Katamari series, Most "Tales of" games, Heavy Rain, God of War series, inFamous series, and the Yakuza series.
As you can see, they both offer a lot. It's really just which exclusives you prefer. For me, Xbox, but it's all preference.
Last edited by NoCheerios; Dec 14, 2011 at 08:16 PM.