SAVE For Legsol
I'm giving up.
I'll post screenshot in chornological order. It's now midsummer. MASTERFAGGOT3000 Is one crazy mother fucker. he is 8x happier than everyone else.
So thorn kills Eleeleth
Everyone goes bat-shit crazy.
In this a lot of you die. -note: this is just one of many many rampages.
The remaining people are: Me, Thorn, Shotgun_leg or whatever, and MASTERFAGGOT3000
Miasma strikes because everyone is too busy killing each other and masturbating to clean up their fallen brethren.
and to wrap things up. final numbers from late summer: -note: nearly 30 or so DORFS have died
Last edited by Satiknee; Jan 28, 2012 at 09:20 AM.