Hello raku,
Hm, where to start. Well, let's start with the basic information. First of all, I am 5'4, and I am almost 13 years old. This may be a concern, but it doesn't have to be because I am mature for my age, but I mess around sometimes. Well, I guess we could go to physical features. I have dirty blonde, medium long hair with almost silver eyes.
Next would be alternate accounts. Well, my main account was chandlerb, which I later changed the name to Tune. On that account, to be honest, I was known as a clan hopper. To this day I am still ashamed of what my clan hopping. Also, i was very eager to get pure and to be a higher belt, so i bought 10k qi. Eventually, I got bored of toribash and decided to leave "in style". By that, I mean I scammed Kristis133. It was a USD for tc scam. It was rather redundant. While I still had Tune, I bought an account called Mohit. Mohit, I don't think had too bad of a reputation, except for the fact that I applied for many clans. After Mohit, I started a new account named TheLittleMan, he didn't have too bad of a reputation. Eventually, I change the name to Foxx. But, because of my family, I had to request a ban. If I didn't request one, I would've gotten back on. The family didn't keep me away for long. Eventually, I made Kyrn, but didn't like the name so I made this account Athin. On this account, I have gain massive amounts of maturity, and have completely altered my personality.
Hm, well I have a lot to tell you about me. Let's start at the beginning, I heard it's good to start there. Well, until age 10, I never met my dad. My dad decided to Not meet me because he didn't want to be with my mom anymore. After I met my dad, I. Thought he was a cool guy. Well, not even a year after I met my dad, during a custody battle for me, he married my 4th grade teacher. Before the custody battle, my mom and dad got along pretty good. Well, after marrying my 4th grade teacher (she has a 8-year-old daughter that's a total diva), everything took a turn for the worse. My step-mom tried to control everything. So my dad would get angry because there was so much stress. He would throw things at me, and call me horrible names daily. Honestly, it only hurt so much because I barely know the guy yet! Sorry, I know I'm jumping around here. At my mom's house, it's not the best place. Mostly because she moved 6 times the year all this occurred. Anyway, 1 day, not too long ago, I decided I have had enough. I ran away, which was not a great idea. Well, after they found me, they took me back home. When I got home, my dad had enough and he got mad and lunged at me. I, in absolute terror, tried to run the other way. He caught me and shoved me to the ground and calls me names that were horrendous. My mom and grandma were angry so they moved me to california, to live with my grandma. Because of all this stress going on, I obtained depression. From depression, I became amazingly negative and have had thoughts of suicide.
Now for my miscellaneous information. I do indeed have Skype, my username is chandler.cassano. On my account named chandlerb/tune, my belt, before I bought QI, was 4th Dan. Mohit, I didn't play on enough to get up belts. Otherwise, my game-playing was all-around. If I had not gotten banned or bought QI, I would be about 6th Dan. My GMT, I believe, it -8. I am on the forums about 7 hours a day on the weekdays, and about 10+ hours on weekends. In-game, my activity on weekdays is about 2-3 hours a day, about 5 hours a day on weekends. My main mods are: AikidoBD, Taekkyon, and lenshu3. My special skill is replay making, I cannot post examples as of now, but I will post some as soon as I can.
I would like to join raku for several reasons. Mostly, I would love to have a clan that is tight-knitn instead of just some random people thrown in the same clan. Secondly, I feel that the members in this clan are: mature, and respectful.
I decided to apply ahead of time to get my application out of the way, and to tell you all there is about me, thus helping you all get to know me better.
Thank you for your time today. I hope you will consider my application. I also hope my application shows my dedication.