Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
CyberCalm is right.
The set is too simple and it worth 4k to 7k (In my opinion).
A 45k set would be like SpaceLlama's old set by Barreta.
Which is full of details and stuff, this set is low in it's basics (such as: shading, details, etc).

Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
See i rest my point amongist the fact the set isnt worth it =]

I loled. anyways i have never set i would accept nothing but 45k in reality i am accepting a half price for it. i have just posted this offer not to sell this set cheap, no shit sherlock. i know the price is ridiculous more then you guys
Triple the ammount and i may consider it.
WTF Man this isn't a crappy quality set. its made by a pro artist named toxico21!
are you guys mad or something?
it only has 3 colors used in the whole thing, it's gonna be around 5-10k man. listen to everybody in this thread instead of following your own rules
pennis and also dicke and balls
dammit you guys make me regret that i bought this set 20k and its yours
i don't want any more loss from it. what a stupid person i am ;(