Madhouse: Loved the opener and the first punch, but the grab dm dropped the balls.
The next kick lacked some knee coordination, but did it's job.
The next punch looked really sweet, and the last kick was great.
The skeet was meh. I found it boring.
Spar 1thev: The start was ok, but the knee movement in the air was kinda unrealistic.
The headkick was somewhat akward. Your movements when you were on the ground looked strange. The next kick was great, but the transition to the kick... not so great.
The next kick looked good, and the helicopter was ok, I liked how you used it to stand up.
Raising your shoulders for momentum is ok, but don't keep them up for so many frames.
The headkick after that had a nice aim.
The transition to the pose was stiff, and the pose itself didn't look that good, but atleast it was standing.
I'm gonna take a few points because most of the time you extended your ankles while standing, which looks very unrealistic.