Originally Posted by
cloth or not a knot would look cool imo
(thing is im a newb and dont know how to make a detailed knot X.x)
Originally Posted by
As chick man said, cloth would look neat.
I love this head and it's style, but the color isn't as good imo.
The purple with your dark silver doesn't fit well. It would need something in place but i can't think of a color.
All in all nice and well done.
Make a set or make me cry.
I liked the color, i feel that if i had replaced it with another color scheme i wouldnt of gotten the feel i had wanted. Visualize this in red, blue, yellow, or green.... ew.
(though i will be offering color changes in the full set, the main vectors are just 1 layer each)
How do i preview this in 512x for 512x textures? Im not sure i want to make this a 512x set or a 512x head with a 128x set. (its vectorised so if i make it go smaller once i made it bigger it should lose much resolution loss other than the gradient i use on the silver streaks)
Last edited by gamer828; Mar 26, 2012 at 10:41 PM.