It is your life, and asking us the forum probably isn't the best idea. But whatever, you know.
Ok, so, for a start, teenage love usually won't last, but it doesn't mean you can pick just anyone to know how love feels like. Honestly, if you pick a girl that wants nothing but sex, you will physiscally be happy, but mentally it won't feel right. If she wants to have sex that quick, then that means she would probably accept to have sex with any nice boys out there. For the mentally nice one, you probably won't have sex for quite a while, but you will still have fun and it will be a lot easier to present her to your parents, if you need to. Also, having an intelligent partner is always safer, the relationship will last longer and it will be better in the long run.
The best thing to do would be to get a beautiful and intelligent girl, but for your case I really suggest going fro the smart one, longer relation (in general), smarter thus you can take smart decisions as a couple and also, the hoebags usually wanna get a nice relationship after a few months and then the relationship ends quickly.
tl;dr go for the smart one