Christmas Lottery
The opener was pretty stiff.
Dm's looked ok.
There was many parts of the replay where you co9uld've done a boom.
Pose was ok.

I'll give some again, just make sure to CnC me too.

Opener was nice, just try to avoid single dms. Pose was nice, last kick was zawesome.
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Listen, If you want my personal opinion, I would give all your replays about a 5/10. Your tricking is very stiff, you should relax any joints that are not necessary. Hold joints to make it look better. Your Splitcap was somewhat twitchy, gamma had an unneccesary kick.

Look at the replays made from the best. On average, most of these replays are 8/10. 10/10 are default replays in my opinion. You have potential, practice, develop your own style.
I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals
Thanks for trying to help me keoni, I am a complete noob at tricking tho, it seems harder than DM replays. So, I probably won't post much tricking replays.

And here is a WIP, I can't seem to continue it. Any advices?
Or if someone could edit it, I would be really happy for it.
Attached Files
cham- swagger.rpl (30.1 KB, 17 views)
Last edited by chamara; May 7, 2012 at 02:36 AM.
Since swagger isn't finished I can only rate the split.
It looks quite beautiful, however opener was quite ugly and you should relax some more. 6/10.
For your tricking:
Channeling trough:
The opener spin was nice, the jump was nice but at the end, it was like you didn't move at all so that could be improved. 7/10
Take it smooth: I don't really like it. The running started good, however when you jumped into the spin it was really ugly due to your knee. The way you went in the pose was nice. 5.5/10
Tripwire: 5.5/10 + 1.5 points for making the spin end in a nice kick and continue on. (7/10)
same about the spin ; didn't really like it. however when you tryed to jump over uke it looked quite nice. 6/10

And about swagger some advice; try to edit the replay from the moment of the split, relax all and try something.

Please rate my new replay now,
See you around later,
Last edited by dank; May 7, 2012 at 04:42 AM.
dreamy suicide act