You had 280 ToriCredits..

Didn't find any problem when I bought you the motion trails.

Did you try to buy it in the Torishop on the website, or from within the game ?
look, i tried from site and from game but if you click on buy while in game, it redirects you to this site and when i click if i want to buy the item, i click yes and it says you dont have suficient bla bla bla..
Originally Posted by chebbo View Post
look, i tried from site and from game but if you click on buy while in game, it redirects you to this site and when i click if i want to buy the item, i click yes and it says you dont have suficient bla bla bla..

It says that you don't have enough ToriCredits because you are not logged in.

Login to the forum and then you'd be able to buy.

Or you can just buy directly from the ToriShop