From my personal experience, a lot of people are against gay marriages because it goes against what the ideal marriage is supposed to be comprised of: a man and a woman.
There's is seriously no arguing against that. The ideal marriage is and always will be between a male and a female. But why can't we extend the definition of a marriage (not an ideal one) to include same sex partnerships?
I mean, they aren't hurting anyone. The only other reason I can see why people don't want gay marriages is because they don't want their own children to be exposed to it, which might convince them to turn gay. It may not be the most logical reasoning, but its just a guess.
Anyway, to me, this is just another group fighting for their rights.
First black people did it. They fought for their right to be a true citizen free of being discriminated against and whatnot. No segregation, they wanted to vote, be seen as equals, blah blah blah. At first, the majority was opposed to black people (males) having those rights. Over time though, people got used to it.
Then women fought for their rights. The right to vote, work in the same place as men, get rid of the glass ceiling, blah blah blah. Again, a lot of people back then hated the idea of women having those rights but today, it seems the majority is fine with it.
And now gay people want the right to get married. A lot of people are against it for whatever reason they may have. And that's logical. People don't like change very much. However, sooner or later, people will get used to it. Maybe not in this generation, maybe not even in the next one.
But a time will come where a gay man and a straight man can hold hands and skip through a valley of flowers and simply be called "friends."
Eh, maybe not but still.
Everyone knows the famous phrase: "
History repeats itself." This time is no exception. So everyone get ready to have gay grandchildren!
Last edited by DaNooB23; May 13, 2012 at 05:59 AM.
Reason: Clarity