Christmas Lottery
Warrior Name: Zayex

Initial stats
Str 13
Dex 12
Int 12
Chr 13
Per 10

Faith: Greeek orthodox mutha fucka

Weaponry & armor: leaf-bladed sword with no shield, and leather armor, with torn grey robes to hide most of the armor. Plus a tattered hood that covers most of my face. (No I'm not altair)

Mount? Yes.

Starting city: The wonderful island of Rhodes

Character Nationality: Byzantine Empire.

*Leaves Rhoades on a boat, heading to acre*
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
fucking captain

*I attempt to steal money from a helpless old woman to pay for another boat*
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
You reach inside her pocket, you find out that she has no money on her, she then proceeds to call for help.
*I attempt to throw sand in his face and slice his head off*

*And I attempt to throw a rock at stellar's balls*
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
You fail and get your head chopped off by a dagger.

Make better choices next time.

And stellar's nuts are to powerful to be chopped.