Sup Duck.
I have decided to apply for this clan since it seems pretty cool and epic. My name is Mangat in real and I am 13. Yeah, I am a new fag on TB since my join date is Dec but who cares. I know PTDx in real. He's the one who told me about Toribash and that's how I started playing it. There's good players in this clan like PTD, Hours, Tengo and MrJingles. Hours is a good replaymaker and PTDx is good too.
My interests on Toribash are marketing, playing ingame and betting. In real I like to play Cricket and Hockey when the weather is warm. I am from UK and my Gmt is 0. My country is England. I also like to watch football on TV but I don't play it.
I'm applying for Duck because I need a break from ingame and this is quite a nice forum based a clan. I will go ingame once in a while but not always. Another thing is that I'm looking for an active clan. Apart from the fact that the founder is inactive, I'd rate this clan high in activity. Also, you can count on my activeness as I am generally active on forum.
My past clans include, Top Guns (dead), Psy and The Gods. I have been founder of two of these clans and the main reason I left was inactivity. Psy was a good clan for me but I felt it wasn't right. So now I've decided to apply for Duck since I know a few people from here like PTDx and Hours. Ingame, I'm a decent player. I like aikido and I play alright at it.
Hope you will consider my app. I'd love to waddle with you.
~ Shigechio.
Last edited by Vordred; Jun 15, 2012 at 05:24 PM.