This isn't the only problem of it's kind, Blackbelt:Kickbox is also on an Aikido mod.
I think you guys mixed up ultimate judo with blackbelt judo while looking at the room in question. Ultimate:judo is miscolored, and it's the same color as blackbelt:judo.
On a further note I'd like to add that you guys should definitely fix the room's names, colors, and options. All ultimate servers should be colored as such (purple). Blackbelt servers should be red (they are mixed right now, black and red). Quick aikido rooms should be made an entirely different color (they are purple, why, I must ask? They fit more into the "public" category). There is also an "Alternate:Taekkyon" server which is for blackbelts. It should be "Blackbelt:Taekkyon 2" or something.
Also, there seems to be an official boxing server now. Color that poor thing, it's hard to find.