Originally Posted by Vlatko9 View Post
I swear the person thats framing us does it and we get all banned I will murder everyone D:<

NUUU D: :<

Soo, answer my question?
Please learn to read.

Depending on the severity of the issue, the bans length will vary, or the action taken. Each case will be investigated as they come up, and decided on by the admins.
<( O )>
I have a question; how long do we have to take action if someone is indeed farming? You have to understand there are short windows of time where all of the moderators of a server are asleep, we can't watch it 24/7.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.
Thanks Cevius! This should really help to discourage some of the more... rampant and blatant problems that have been arising lately.
Last edited by Delaid; Jun 8, 2008 at 03:04 PM.

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
if you love america please sign this petition
There a clan a while back that did this? some body on irc said it and like 5 people went to their server and started bothering them. then the put a pass on it.
There are clans all the time that do this. Someone says it on IRC, and then bunches of people show up at the server till someone with auto-auth comes in, sees if it's really farming, and if so, gives a warning, changes the settings, and leaves.

Now, of course, that process will be changed (for the better).
I approve. A lot.
yea the problem is that people always flood in when its mentioned in irc so that by the time we DO get there they have stopped and probobly left
TeamSambo - [ R A W R ] - BnW

*sobs* my question wasn't answered. I feel unimportant... and have a sudden urge to write emo poetry.

Seriously, though; how long do we have to respond, especially considering the fact that the mods DO need sleep, contrary to popular belief -_- And while we're away from our shiny computers, we don't know what's going on in our clan server. Even when we're on our computers, it's not like we can supervise the servers the whole time; I usually just pop in for an hour or two and make sure there's no complaints or flames going on.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.