Sorry for the long time man!! =[
Sent: Set: Full 256x256 to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Breast Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Chest Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Groin Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Bicep Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Foot Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Hand Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Leg Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Pec Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Thigh Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Left Tricep Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Bicep Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Foot Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Hand Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Leg Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Pec Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Thigh Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Stomach Texture to Juru.
Sent: 256x256 Right Tricep Texture to Juru.