*If you read this be sure to prepare yourself for a few spoilers*
Fallout 3 is a good game but I got so bored by it that I was never even able to beat it. I'll admit that it's a good game but when you're doing things for Moira is gets a bit boring and then when I go to the city on the boat in search of the father I just think it's extremely boring and the story is so slow.
Fallout Story = Father leaves vault, son follows father from vault, son finds father, they clean the water.
It's not much of a story line but some of the sidequests are fun. Like the one where you go back to the fault because after you left everything went crazy and now you have to fix it. I think it's a fun quest because you can decide to let the people stay in the fault (if you have 100 intelligence, which is required to fix the machine) or you can get everybody to leave.
But in Fallout: New Vegas you're a courier and while you're delivering a package you get ambushed and killed by people stealing the platinum chip that you're delivering which actually has information regarding the security bots in New Vegas (I think). The game isn't very fun until you get to New Vegas and kill Benny (the guy who shot you in the head). It's fun if you play as a female character because it give you the option to go back to his room before you kill him (he doesn't remember who you are). But after Benny is dead the game gets more fun. In the end you get to decide who rules New Vegas. The list of people that get to control that town are
You Rule New Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas Ending)
NCR Rules New Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas Ending)
Ceasars Legion Rules New Vegas (Fallout: New Vegas Ending)
Or the guy in the tower who saved Vegas during the war rules New Vegas. (Can't remember his name) (Fallout: New Vegas Ending)
Fallout: New Vegas also gives a larger variety of weapons that Fallout 3. If I had to pick between one or the other I would pick New Vegas just because you can play the game
MANY times and still do something new. But in Fallout 3 is has only 3 endings and i'm fairly sure that the only difference between those three is the description of your character by the narrator.. Those endings are
Good Ending (Fallout 3 Ending)
Neutral Ending (Fallout 3 Ending)
Bad Ending (Fallout 3 Ending)
In every ending the only thing that happens is that they end up cleaning the water and making it drinkable to everybody
It's a pretty lames selection if you ask me.
(Sorry for such a huge post)
Last edited by Cameron97; Aug 26, 2012 at 08:53 AM.