Original Post
"Joint" Limit
Originally Posted by Oblivion
If you've been into replay-making for a while now you've probably heard about the infamous joint limit.
It was said that you could only move a certain number of joints and that past that number when you saved the replay it would be completly blank, but a lot of players never noticed that limit since usually in a replay that you wrap up quickly you don't get to that limit.

It's only as you aim for more complex replays that you realize of its existance, and while doing a singleplayer spar for instance you'll easily find yourself getting blank save files.

Recently this has become my biggest problem while making replays and so with a bit of testing and NutHug's help I've realized that it's actually a limit of FRAME lines in the file, and the limit is of 255 FRAME lines. I've attached a replay proving this, if you make one more move after frame 245 you won't be able to save the replay successfully.

In other words and summing it up: (you can skip to this part)
-You can only make movements on 255 different individual frames;
-Without this limit we would be able to create replays that are a lot more complex and amazing;
-So the suggestion is to remove this limit if it's possible, I don't know the reason why it exists or how it could be fixed though since I know nothing about programming and the likes of it (which I assume is what this is about), but I know that a lot of players would benefit from this.

I'm bringing this back up from the old Suggestions Board since it's pretty much one of the biggest needs to step-up replay-making and something that has been proven by War_hero to be easily fixable. (I'll PM Fish asking for the old post where War_hero clearly stated what needed to be changed in the game's code, and update this post with it when he answers)

Update - Here's the solution War_hero came up with:
Originally Posted by War_Hero View Post
This would be a super easy fix.

Just make
#define NUM_HISTORY 256
in beatdown.h higher, or remove the check against it in beatdown.cpp
for(i=0; i < ws->history_index && ws->history_index < NUM_HISTORY; i++){

Attached Files
framelimit example.rpl (687.6 KB, 93 views)
Last edited by Oblivion; Sep 9, 2012 at 02:31 PM.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
oh awesome
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Indeed, your work came pretty handy War, even the objects limit has been raised now!
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
On topic: actually the joint limit hasn't been removed, it has just been raised, but to a considerable number that is reaaaaaaaaaaaally hard to get to.

Savyor, I've got a new replay that's pretty hefty thanks to this increased limit, but I can't find the time to finish it because of university and all that
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Orfeas: Open a replay with notepad.
You'll see that there are lines that start with the word FRAME.
One line of those is created for each frame you move a joint.
Before this change was applied, a replay could only have 255 FRAME lines, so you could only move joints on 255 different frames.
We're still kids in buses longing to be free.