Originally Posted by
Better than sitting around bored in class every day programming calculator RPGs. School is 30% about learning, 30% about learning to fit in, 40% about socializing. All of 12 years of schooling could easily be compressed in to 3 years.
Then again, I had fun chilling doing nothing in particular all day. If I had rushed through my education and finished a few years earlier, how would it benefit me? Don't just consider the education value, consider how enjoyable it is to work with fellow students and just enjoy the lazy pace of school.
I don't think sitting in class for 8 hours to be fun, when only 3 hours of it is actually spent to teach you something. The school system in the US is intentionally made to make you dumb, and fluoride is intentionally put into water to make you docile. They both have the same goal, to keep the population mindless sheep. This thread actually has alot to do with the economy today.
I went to a dentist, and she and my mom were talking, her daughter apparently went to a private school her whole life, and wanted to go to public school for a year to socialize with other kids her age.
Apparently after two weeks she wanted to go back to private school, because they were teaching her stuff she learned in 6th grade. ( Rich dentist btw )
The school system is pretty much designed to make you a retard, so that you can't think for yourself. There was an episode on how the school system is designed like this on "The Corbett Report" somewhere, I would go through the 200+ episodes he has on his site, but im pretty sure more than half of you won't even watch it, (considering all of his episodes are 30+ minutes long) and I don't know the title of the episode, the fact on even posting on this thread is stupid, because almost everybody on this website is already a mindless sheep enslaved by whatever government they have.
That is all I have to say about this subject, and if anybody already posted something like this, sorry for copying you, I read the first 4-5 posts then gave up.
Originally Posted by
Plus let's face it, growing up sucks :/ I enjoy eating 5 plates of food a meal and not gaining significant weight.
Growing up does not suck, I am 14 and have already applied for a job, and was planning to save for college, unfortunately, I was declined.
Now I can't wait to become 16, so that my job horizon increases in size, and I can get a job that ISN'T cleaning tables in Mc'donalds.
(sorry about rambling about my want for a job.
but im actually responsible unlike most people Just saying that makes me feel like an ass. )
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Sep 14, 2012 at 09:31 AM.