Originally Posted by 5brickbomzh View Post
You could tell these lies in the front of a classroom in some bullshit School project and get maybe B for bluffing. (it's okay) But you can't make me believe that ^.

Plus, you wouldn't tell that about the Lord Jesus if you were Christian, you're some atheist or hinduist or something, aren't you?

Man, can somebody tell @ Hyde too that he's bluffing ? :v

That's kind of insulting man. Why would my lord and savior be bluffing?
I am a magnificent volcano.
Originally Posted by 5brickbomzh View Post
Plus, you wouldn't tell that about the Lord Jesus if you were Christian, you're some atheist or hinduist or something, aren't you?

And you wouldnt say anything you said about Mohammed if you were a Muslim.
So dont be a hypocrite and say bad things about the TRUE prophet Hyde, just because you believed in a different(wrong) religion your entire life and in the after life you will realize your mistakes. and maybe, MAYBE, Hyde will be merciful.
Last edited by Pv2Caribou; Sep 25, 2012 at 01:27 AM.
<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos
Have you anymore doubts about my power, heathen? Or Oracle's, for that matter?

Also, Oracle, your time has expired, old man, i'm taking over!
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Have you anymore doubts about my power, heathen? Or Oracle's, for that matter?

Also, Oracle, your time has expired, old man, i'm taking over!

Damn young 'uns and their new age religion. Nothing like the old days of celibacy and self-mortification.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
But i dont know which one to follow D: what should i do oh all mighty one(s)? how do i decide?

But yeah, its a parody poking fun at Islam, its nothing to get worked up about. Sure, its pretty irreverent, but i dont care for any institution that takes itself so seriously including, but not limited to Islam. i was always under the impression that a bit of humor was a good thing, but apparently people just like to deliberately misinterpret things and enjoy being dick heads.
This isn't even a discussion, it's you guys saying that you're god. If you want to convince somebody you're god, convince cleverbot.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Originally Posted by FinalWish View Post
But i dont know which one to follow D: what should i do oh all mighty one(s)? how do i decide?

But yeah, its a parody poking fun at Islam, its nothing to get worked up about. Sure, its pretty irreverent, but i dont care for any institution that takes itself so seriously including, but not limited to Islam. i was always under the impression that a bit of humor was a good thing, but apparently people just like to deliberately misinterpret things and enjoy being dick heads.

People sadly will use anything to justify violence. Oracle and I are polytheistic gods, Oracle being the elder one.

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
This isn't even a discussion, it's you guys saying that you're god. If you want to convince somebody you're god, convince cleverbot.

Welcome to Earth. That Jesus guy, that Mohammed guy, and that David fellow basically pulled the same thing. On my and Oracle's command, of course.
Soooo, since you are the newest pantheon on the block, what do you have to offer that these old fart religions, that have been around since the arse end of civilization in a more or less unchanging basic format dont? Something LIBERAL perhaps?
Originally Posted by FinalWish View Post
Soooo, since you are the newest pantheon on the block, what do you have to offer that these old fart religions, that have been around since the arse end of civilization in a more or less unchanging basic format dont? Something LIBERAL perhaps?

The main thing I demand is that my followers don't kill each other. Ants make up the vast majority of my followers, numbering in the billions(maybe more, haven't checked in several thousand years). If they do, I will smack them around with a bit of a large fish bot, re-incarnate the dead, and whatnot.

I also demand that all my followers abide by the laws I have set up to govern their world. This being the rules you humans have dubbed "the laws of physics". They are correctly referred to as "the laws of Hyde". No one breaks them, but, when they do, they don't because fuck gravity.
That sounds a bit Christian to me, 'Thou shalt not kill' ants being the unthinking masses and reincarnation being open to interpretation ( Heaven being one of them) I hope you are not a jealous god.